Sunday, November 30, 2014


Should lie detector tests be admissible in court?  How can polygraphs assist police in finding a suspect? When are they misused?
I do think that lie detector tests should be admissible in court because it is a great piece of evidence to help solve cases, catch the right people, so on and so forth. Even though many states do not allow lie detectors to be admissible in court, with the right technique and questioning on a specific issue test, the accuracy is well over 90% which is a huge number that should stand out to the criminal justice world.
Poly graphs can help police catch the right people because of the power it brings. For example; you have several suspects in for questioning but are unsure who is lying. The poly graph will help you narrow down that individual to help solve your case.

Poly graphs are misused when people or operators do not follow the proper protocol when using such a device. This causes errors and wrong results which may end up giving you the wrong suspect.

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