Saturday, December 20, 2014

Crime scene

It’s not a question of what Buck does wrong, it’s what does he do right? The tampering of evidence, the wiping of the mirror, flushing the toilet, believing soap is drugs, the list goes on. I mean obviously this is a real exaggeration and I don’t think anyone in this day in age would pull stuff like this. I do believe mistakes are made. I mean let’s face it we are all human, but I do believe that officers are well trained today to handle many situations. I understand that new detectives will make mistakes, but nothing like Mr. Savage. If you have a good department the sergeant is usually there to assist with any questions you have. Unlike Mr. Savage who did not get any info or briefing from his Sgt. because he thought he would be able to figure it out himself. I think there may be some officers who falsify evidence for their own personal gain, but let’s not take away from the men and women who do an outstanding job. There are always going to be a few bad apples in the bunch. I think to help prevent these situations you get competent, educated officers who take pride in their job and look out for the well-being of the person affected. Having officers attend more training and schooling and having them stay up to date with new laws and procedures will lead to build stronger cases and more convictions. 

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